Concussion Care

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The Emotional Rollercoaster of Concussion Recovery

In your recovery, you have to deal with questions like: 👉🏼 Will I ever get better? 👉🏼 Am I doing something wrong that’s holding back my recovery? 👉🏼 Why do I feel like this?

Right now, after quite a few years, I see that the emotional part was way harder than the physical part. I worried a lot about how to get better. I had financial stress because I couldn’t work, and I had stress about my social life because I just couldn’t catch up with everyone at the same speed as I was used to.

Even daily tasks, things that I could do with my eyes closed before the accident, were almost impossible to handle afterward. The hardest part was feeling like I didn’t have any control over my body and my mind.

Having a concussion feels like an uncertain and confusing journey where you don’t have control over your body, and you don’t know what you need to do to move forward. It feels like you’re your own doctor, and most people, including doctors, don’t understand what you’re going through.

But little by little, you figure out how to rebuild your life, how to manage everything, and learn what serves you. The thing you need most is patience; it can be such a slow process, which makes it frustrating.

In the end, when you’re doing better, and you look back, you realise you learned a lot. Things did change, and not only in a negative way. You didn’t notice this when you were right in the middle of this rollercoaster.

For everyone who isn’t there yet, your time will come. 💛

Stay patient, stay hopeful, and know that progress, no matter how slow, is still progress. If you ever feel overwhelmed, remember you’re not alone in this journey. We’re here to support you every step of the way.

Take care,

Dr Gary