How do you cope with uncertainty?

Hi, Dr. Gary here.

I often reflect on my own journey with concussion and the many emotions that come with it. It’s a path filled with questions and moments of doubt.

How do you stay hopeful when faced with uncertainty?

You might not feel like yourself anymore. You want to return to your old self so badly, but the symptoms hold you back. What makes it even harder is when those symptoms are invisible to others, and you struggle to explain what you're going through.

You go through countless tests—CT scans, MRI scans—and they all come back negative. It’s frustrating because you’re the one feeling the symptoms, yet no one else can see or confirm them.

After what seemed like a lifetime, I finally found a doctor who understood my symptoms and diagnosed me with post concussion syndrome. But that diagnosis felt like a dead end. It brought my dreams to a screeching halt, forcing me to pause my career and social life. It was as if my world had stopped turning.

At first, everyone around you gets it. They know you need rest and they check in on you. But when you’re still struggling after months, even years, it’s hard for others to understand because you don’t look sick.

Concussion recovery can feel like a dark, lonely place. It’s easy to lose hope, especially when people—including doctors—say you might have to live with it forever.

But I want to tell you this: Never give up. There is always help out there, and new treatments that can make a difference. Hold on to hope and have faith that things will get better, because they will.

How do you cope with uncertainty? How do you find hope in difficult times? Share your thoughts below. Let’s support each other on this journey.

#ConcussionRecovery #Hope #NeverGiveUp #Support #HealingJourney


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