Put Your Health First

I remember feeling the intense pressure to heal faster so I wouldn't lose my work and social life. It felt like everything was slipping through my fingers, a bit more each month. I was desperate not to lose it, so I kept trying to keep up. But, of course, that didn’t help at all.

I pushed myself to feel better, to pretend I was okay, to just go back to work while it wasn’t working and was making me feel worse. I wanted so badly to feel normal again.

Many times, I told myself: “Now it’s enough! Stop acting like this, you’re telling yourself you’re sick, just go to that social event and enjoy it. The longer you stay at home, the harder it is!” But in reality, forcing myself only led to more setbacks.

The biggest lesson I learned in my recovery is to not be so hard on myself. It’s okay to take a step back if needed, to not feel guilty when I don’t accomplish anything in a day. You need to put your health first; you are the most important person here.

This is your journey, so make your own rules. Do whatever makes you feel better, and you don’t need to justify what you’re doing to anyone. If it feels like the best choice for you and your health, then you are moving forward.

I see it like this: Every time you choose something else above your health, you’re taking a step backward in your recovery. Believe me, I took many steps backward, and I wish I didn’t. I wish I had put my health first from the very beginning.

So, for everyone who is reading this, see this as a sign to put your health first, no matter what. The earlier you do this, the faster you will move forward.

Take care of yourself. Your health is your wealth.

Warm regards,

Dr. Gary Dennis


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