The Importance of Doing the Right Thing for Concussion Recovery

Hi, Dr Gary here.

If you just do “something” or follow the wrong advice, it can backfire.

Your symptoms may worsen, and, as a result, you're not making progress but rather regressing.

I have often seen this happen, and it is incredibly unfortunate for your energy, money, and your time.

Of course, you want to quickly get back to work or that enjoyable, spontaneous life.

That's why I'm a fan of either not doing it at all or doing it right, nothing in between.

So many people keep searching for free tips to feel better, continuing to feel overwhelmed and get frustrated because they are not making progress.

They spend hours looking, reading, and listening but don't take action.

And taking action is the most important thing to move forward and achieve results.

Consuming free information alone won't suddenly take away your symptoms.

Maybe you've created various schedules for yourself or set multiple alarms on your phone per day to do everything as well as possible.

It takes so much time and energy, often only helping you manage everything well on a day, but you notice that your symptoms are not improving.

And that's not strange because you need to focus on reducing your symptoms and not only managing them.

Really, move away from free basic information and possibly seek help to progress further.

In my Concussion Care Programme, we focus on proven and researched methods specially designed for people with a concussion.

It's not about doing 1000 things at once, it's about doing the "right" thing.

If you want to learn more about how we can help you reduce your symptoms effectively, please reach out to us.

Stay strong and take the right steps towards your recovery.

Dr. Gary


Exploring Lesser-Known Concussion Symptoms


The Role of Light Physical Activity in Concussion Recovery