Taking a Step Back to Fight Overwhelm

Hey everyone,

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, trying to fight everything at once, take a step back from the situation in your mind.

Overwhelm We often keep it all up here. We can't keep track of it all. Life like this becomes overwhelming. Then we feel anxious. We become fixated on how we feel and start to base our next actions on those feelings.

But here's a little reminder for you: Take a breath and take a step back.

Use this reminder to prevent overwhelm, refocus, and get back to putting energy into the things you would like more of in your life.

Love & Relationships: Cherish and nurture your connections with loved ones. Make time for those who matter most.

Health & Recreation: Prioritise your well-being. Find joy in activities that rejuvenate your mind and body.

Routine & Responsibilities: Establish routines that bring structure to your day. Fulfill your responsibilities with a balanced approach.

Social Contribution: Engage in activities that give back to the community. Find fulfilment in helping others.

Personal Growth: Invest in yourself. Seek opportunities for learning and self-improvement.

Remember, it's okay to take a step back and breathe. By doing so, you can prevent overwhelm and refocus your energy on the positive aspects of your life.

Stay strong and keep moving forward.

Warm regards,

Dr. Gary


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